
Apr 23, 2024 One interesting paper published in Elsevier Optics and Lasers in Engineering (OLEN), Project Page is here :sparkles:
Mar 13, 2024 One paper accepted by OSA Optics Express, presenting a wavelength encoding spectral imaging system and its reconstruction algorithms :sparkles:
Jan 7, 2024 One paper on jitter imaging simulation and restoration is accepted by AAAI, code is released here :sparkles:
Dec 10, 2023 Two paper accepted by OSA Optics Express, one presents a paraxial zooming system, another presents a low-light enhancement algorithm :sparkles:
Sep 8, 2023 My code about differentiable ray tracing and coherent superposition code is released, please check here. Hope you enjoy! :sparkles:
Aug 1, 2023 One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), code and data is on the way! :sparkles:
Jul 30, 2023 Diliverd a talk in the “Future Scientists Forum” of Chinese Optical Society Academic Conference, Wuhan, China. (slides will update soonly)
Jul 29, 2023 Transfer my homepage to this al-folio template. Many thanks to Maruan, Rohan, Amir, and George for their excellent work! 🎁