
Hi, I'm a self-motivated, enthusiastic researcher in optical engineering. My work lies at the intersection of optics, graphics, and computer vision. I led the project of computational optics and deployed the relevant technology into the flagships of Huawei (from Huawei P50). My research interests are optical simulation, end-to-end optimization, learning-based image processing, and the next generation of optical computing methodology.

Table of contents

General Information

Full Name Shiqi Chen
Date of Birth 20th January 1996
Languages English, Mandarin


  • 2018 - 2023
    Zhejiang University
    • Outstanding Graduates (Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang University).
    • Outstanding Doctral Dissertation Awards.
      • Awarded with Zhejiang University.
      • Awarded with the College of Optical Science and Engineering.
  • 2014-2018
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
    • Outstanding Graduates (Hubei Province and HUST).


  • 2024 - now
    PostDoctral Scholar
    University of California, Los Angles
    • Working with Prof. Aydogan Ozcan.

Honors and Awards

  • 2024
    • Outstanding Doctral Dissertation Awards of Zhejiang University
  • 2023
    • Outstanding Doctral Dissertation Awards of the College of Optical Science and Engineering
  • 2023
    • Excellent Graduate of Zhejiang Province
  • 2023
    • Excellent Graduate of Zhejiang University
  • 2023
    • 2nd prize, National Optics and Optical Engineering Doctoral Academic League
  • 2023
    • 1st prize, National Optics and Optical Engineering Doctoral Academic League (strait division)
  • 2022
    • 1st prize, Huawei Terminal Academic Star Competition
  • 2022
    • 19th Daheng Wang Optical Award
  • 2022
    • light of Qiushi Top Ten Students
  • 2022
    • Best Presentation Award of the International Post-gradudate Photonics Forum (IPPF 2022)
  • 2022
    • Guoqiang Scholarship
  • 2021
    • Caoguangbiao Scholarship, Advanced Individual of Social Experience (Zhejiang University)
  • 2018
    • Excellent Graduate of Hubei Province and HUST

Academic service

  • Conference reviewer
    • CV area -> CVPR (2024, 2023, 2022); ICCV (2023); ECCV (2022)
    • GR area -> SIGGRAPH (2023); SIGGRAPH Asia (2022)
    • VR area -> IEEE ISMAR (2023)
  • Journal reviewer
    • Nature Communications, IEEE TIP/TCSVT, ACM TOG, OSA OE, Elsevier PRL, Wiley IPR (IET Image Processing).
  • Membership
    • Member of Chinese Optical Society

Other Interests

  • Cooking, Basketball, Digital Sports, etc.