Shiqi Chen


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
chensq0120 [at], chenshiqi [at]
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I am a Postdoctral Researcher in the Samueli ECE at UCLA, working with Prof. Aydogan Ozcan.

Previously, I received my Ph.D. at Zhejiang University, where I co-advised by Prof. Huajun Feng and Prof. Zhihai Xu. My PhD research focused on involving both applied optics and computer vision to realize sharper computational photography. I have extensive connections with the industry and some of my works has been implemented into the latest mobile terminals.

Besides my name, you can also call me TanGeeGo, which is a nicky-ID through my grown-up (I won’t tell you the origin of TanGeeGo is that I couldn’t understand the english, “Time To GO!”, spoken by the Rifleman when I was a child :satisfied:). I like anything that brings happiness, not only for me, but for all around. I believe science and technology are supposed to be fun after all.

Research interest: Optics, Computational Photography, Deep Learning, Low-level Computer Vision, and Advanced Imaging Devices. Interested in collaboration? Free to Contact me.


Jul 2, 2024 One interesting paper on Mobile Denoising accepted by ECCV 2024, [Online Page] :sparkles:
Jun 2, 2024 One interesting paper on Diffractive Optical Element Depth Estimation published in Elsevier Optics and Lasers in Engineering (OLEN), Online Page is here :sparkles:
Apr 23, 2024 One interesting paper published in Elsevier Optics and Lasers in Engineering (OLEN), Project Page is here :sparkles:
Mar 13, 2024 One paper accepted by OSA Optics Express, presenting a wavelength encoding spectral imaging system and its reconstruction algorithms :sparkles:
Jan 7, 2024 One paper on jitter imaging simulation and restoration is accepted by AAAI, code is released here :sparkles:

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selected publications


  1. chen_tpami.png
    Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
    Shiqi Chen, Ting Lin, Huajun Feng, and 3 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Apr 2023


  1. chen_iccv.png
    Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Framework
    Shiqi Chen, Huajun Feng, Keming Gao, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct 2021
  2. chen_tog.png
    Optical Aberrations Correction in Postprocessing Using Imaging Simulation
    Shiqi Chen, Huajun Feng, Dexin Pan, and 3 more authors
    ACM Trans. Graph. (Post.Rec in SIGGRAPH 2022), Sep 2021